Natural State

Our first collection is called NATURAL STATE where we have taken the four natural elements and used them as inspiration for our designs.

  • Air: freedom, lightness, and intellect.

    The ethereal element, encapsulates the essence of breath, vitality, and inspiration. It carries the life force within its gentle currents, fuelling movement and fostering a sense of flow. Air is the expansive force that grants us freedom and propels us towards new horizons. It awakens our intuition, offering clarity and a profound connection to the world around us. In its intangible nature, air transcends boundaries and limitations, allowing us to soar to unimaginable heights.

  • Earth: stability and grounding.

    Just as the Earth undergoes constant changes and imperfections, we too must embrace our own growth and changes to fully thrive in this world. We are not separate from the Earth; we are a part of it, and it is a part of us. Rooted in the soil and guided by the stars, we find ourselves grounded by nature's infinite wisdom. Developing a deeper connection to nature, serve as a reminder of the profound beauty found in simplicity.

  • Fire: passion, love, and transformation.

    Through struggles and pain, we embark on a journey to discover our path. As our story unfolds in each brand new day, the passion burning within our hearts becomes our guiding light. It leads us to unveil the hidden beauty that resides in every aspect of life. Let us wholeheartedly embrace each struggle and strife, for it is through these challenges that we are reborn, granted a new lease on life. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, we ascend, crafting a narrative that illuminates the skies with its brilliance.

  • Water: fluidity, intuition, and cleansing.

    The essence of who you are and the ways you choose to express yourself are multifaceted. The human mind and its ability to represent are incredibly adaptable. Embracing a free spirited nature means embracing various forms of self expression. There is liberation in being formless, for it holds the power to bring healing. By flowing in numerous directions, you gain the ability to perceive, exist, and experience all that surrounds you.