our story

Masque, is a gender-free clothing brand that challenges traditional gender norms and celebrates individuality. Our mission is to create a world where people of all gender expressions can feel comfortable and confident in their clothing.

At Masque, we believe that fashion should be inclusive and empowering. We offer a range of androgynous clothing that blurs the lines between masculine and feminine styles, allowing you to express your true self. Our pieces are designed with comfort, quality, and sustainability in mind. We use only high-quality, authentic materials and work with ethical manufacturers who share our values.

Our brand was founded by Cole Banton, who has always been passionate about fashion and social justice. Cole saw a need for inclusive clothing that didn't force people into binary gender roles, that also incorporated fashion, so Masque was born. Today, we continue to push the boundaries of gendered fashion and create a community where everyone is welcome.

We are excited to be a part of your journey of self expression and freedom. Join the list and be the first to know about exclusive new drops.

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